Booking & Cancellation Policies

Before Booking an Appointment

It is very important that you STOP the use of products that contain active ingredients (Glycolic, Salicylic, Benzol or Retinol) at least 5 days before your treatment.  

* Failure to do so can cause negative skin reactions and longer healing times from Electrolysis treatments.

Complimentary Consultations & Sample Treatments

Clarico offers 45 minute FREE consultations where we can assesses your hair removal goals and current concerns.  

A short sample treatment of 5-10 hairs is essential to helping us determine hair & skin type, skin reactions, current settings, treatment schedule and pain tolerance level.  

Cancellation Policy

Clarico requires 24 hours advance notice of any cancellations or changes to appointment bookings. 

Please note that going forward, because of increased demand for appointments and more limited availability, ALL same-day cancellations and no-shows will result in a 100% fee to be paid at the following appointment.